Monday, April 19, 2010

Last 20 things to do before graduate

1. No matter how introvert you are in the previous time, you should talk or sing in front of your classmate, even though your speech is just like what you have said during the first class which is introduce yourself.
2. Visit a teacher or lecturer that you respect the most, during graduation, remember one experience regarding to life.
3. Must tell “I Love You before!” Seriously to a girl or boy that you admire before.
4. Said “I am Sorry” to a friend that you are afraid to apologize from.
5. Even though you haven’t drink liquor before, you have to make yourself drunk for at least one time.
6. During rainy day in the summer, shout out the name of the person that appeal in the memory of you for a numerous time, don’t afraid if you are yelling to loud and wake up N person that still in their dream.
7. Have a free soup in the cafeteria that you dislike for one time, the taste of the soup will be in your memory after several years later.
8. Choose a day, before sunrise, jogging in the field and compare with the first year student what is the different in term of stamina between healthy lifestyle and occupied too much time in sleeping.
9. Don’t ever write something like “someone paid a visit here” on the wall of the hostel.
10.Promise to yourself, don’t use some ridiculous reason to allow you to absent from class gathering for at least this time.
11. Wear a formal wear or dresses and see where the things that had change during these four years are.
12. Spend some time in the afternoon to rearrange your book shelf, boxes and decide which one you don’t want and which one is needed, is it you see a piece of strange notes or someone name?
13. For boys, when you clean up your wardrobe, remember to give your jersey and CD to your junior, jersey is for male and CD is for female, lastly remember to keep it yourself the CD of the PC, PS or Xbox games.
14. If there is a mountain in the school please remember to climb once, If there is a pool in the school please remember to swim once.
15. Remember to jot down the contact of any person that you things is friends and give them your contact to them as well.
16. Finally you want to go already, cut your hair once more, to allow yourself to have a fresh leaving and a fresh start of a new page of your life.
17. Remember to return your pass, table, chair and stool that have already accompany you for four years. We are not encourage you to retain your library card, student ID, medical card and cafeteria card even though you are willing to be punish by doing that. It is understandable from why you are doing that
18. Thesis is probably the last exercise in your life time, please write every word seriously.
19.Remember to take a photo with the bed that you already sleep for 4 years.
20. If possible give every classmate a gift, you have to understand, they are your classmate for four years, there is a possibility that you meet one of them for the last time.
I want to give credit to whoever that write this in chinese. Obviously, I cant find english version on this passage so i decide to translate myself(please dont sue me if there is any copyright, i dont have money to pay you), i translate this just because some of my classmate dont know chinese character.
My beloved and dearest FE classmate this is for you all.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


还不知道要怎样死的容智浩终于愿意开始翻notes,读书了。每个sem的这个时候都会觉得,玩了差不多两个星期,是时候静下那一颗好玩的心,好好的准备final了。两个星期前到昨天为此,我真的是差不多玩了十四天,三年来玩得最疯狂的一次,把三年的kuota都差不多用完了。从便宜的rasa mas, sushi king就一路吃到有一点贵的friday, california pizza kitchen, souled out,玩的话,就是从山顶就一路玩到战场。这些活动就只有一个字可以形容,就是"爽",可是钱也花了不少。haha
说到钱,前天我就去了在midvalley的career fair去找钱,不然毕业过后就没有饭吃了,可是有摆档的公司有些是自己不想成为他们的一分子的,想去的不是叫你去做sales就是要那些engineer或IT field的,不然有些公司的员工就干脆坐在那边讲话,鸟都不要鸟你,sien走到一半就不想走了,干脆去shopping。shit!CV用email寄出去就好。在此祝比我早翻notes,读书的你们或还没有翻notes,读书的你们,考试顺利, all the best.yeah...

Thursday, April 15, 2010


很抱歉,让你觉得扫兴了(忘了帮你拿照相机),再等洗衣机把衣服洗好的同时真的很想撇清这件事情。我觉得很累加很烦,我不懂为什么从以前year 1时,跟她同组时就被你们传我跟她有关系,那时候我还可以理解为什么你们会这样说,可是到了现在已经是year 3的最后一个sem了还被你们这样传,我真的是想都想不通这是为什么,好玩?你们几岁了?还是中小学生meh?你们传的人不厌倦,可是我会觉得很烦leh.可能还有其它我想不到的原因。还有一位“朋友”,玩到没有东西玩了,在面子书搞一些有的没有的,我真的很不爽(再好脾气的人,都有一条任何人都不能越过的线)。有一些朋友还问我为什么这样被传这样久了还对她没有感觉吗?我想跟你们说,被传是一回事,感觉是另外一回事,在你们面前我不大有说什么,可是在这里我很想跟你们说,我对她真的没有感觉,我也承认我有嫌弃她的身材(我懂我也好不到哪里去,没有资格去嫌弃人家),而且我一点也接受不了她的pattern i.e.做东西的方式.我也很想恋爱,可是我还没有到达鸡不择食的境界。我觉得如果强硬的把不适合的人弄在一起,可能会搞到人家分手或离婚,如果找不到一个适合自己的,我宁愿不恋爱.可能有些人会觉得我在射着他/她,我也懂虽然blog是言论自由的,我也应该尊敬那些读我blog的人,可是我真的想要撇清这一样东西。我和她真的是101%不可能的,不要想太多了。很烦啊...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


昨天本来是要放他们飞机(不要去玩paintball)的,因为我还没有给钱,又很想在大山脚多留一天,所以就想找个理由推掉的。可是玩paintball的欲望驱使我早了一天回sg long,回来的opportunity cost就是跟家人相处的时间,可是昨天真的是太爽了,玩得超级过瘾的。我跟各位说,昨天,我真的是玩整天,放学回家不到一个小时就很匆忙的跟他们去bukit jalil,我们真的是用了一段时间才到达战场,可是去到那边又遇到一个有一点noob的marshal在那边拖延时间,到了最后战争还是如期地进行了。虽然场地有一些不一样,我们的队也一路在输。可是我只能说真的很爽,在战场上的交战后,从战场走出来我们还是同学,真的很期待下一次玩paintball的那个时候WARNING: 有asthma的真的不要去玩,拿着一把重过3kg的枪跑来跑去真的是会很喘,戴了那个mask更加死,会呼吸困难,呼吸时就不会看到人,还有玩家真的请不要穿到太鲜艳,我的队伍有一个穿到这样,结果从战争开始就被射到战争结束haha。晚餐就在kaki corner(西餐店)解决了。最后的节目就是去midvalley看戏,其实在被告知要去戏院看中国/香港戏时,我有一点抗拒的,很想推掉的,因为这些戏在我的印象中就是那些producer都会丢一大堆的钱去把一部电影的效果弄到超乎人类所可以想象得到的,整部戏要表达的东西却寥寥无几,所以我都不花钱投资在这些戏。可是昨天的那部戏(岁月神偷)太好看了,虽然名字听起来很像笑戏,可是它基本上是一部艺术片,而且还在Berlin International film festival参展,还得奖(虽然不是那些大奖)。我觉得,电影只要可以很好的表达它所要表达的东西那就很chio了,根本就不用花一大堆的钱去做那些效果,有些东西简单就好!