Saturday, January 31, 2009

29th Jan 正月初四

其实那一天的活动就只是要去国伟家捞生的.可是在前一天的时候就有人问我要去踢室内足球吗?walao有得踢球我会讲不要的吗?结果当然是早上十一点多就到场报到了啦,结果踢不到半小时TMD,我的拇指就被我弄伤了,指甲断掉了很痛...虽然还是继续踢了,可是就踢到有一些不过瘾.就那一天的表现大打折扣了而且那一天时间好像也过得特别快,好像踢不到一下那个负责人就来说last goal.算了.幸好过后的聚会也蛮开心的,大家的笑声还是一样的真诚,还是一样的大声.而且那一晚也赚了一些.哈哈 我过后会副上一些聚会的照片,指甲的照片就免了吧!我现在还在养伤的状态.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


明天,又在过年了很开心.其实也么没有特别的开心啦!因为基本上每一年都是做一样的东西,其实就是没有事做咯!自从离开家里到外地读书,过年让我最开心的事情就是回家,基本上那一整天我都很开心.可是今年回家的那一天我的心情就有一些复杂,开心是肯定有的,不过我可能又再像一些有的没有的.当时,上完当天的最后一堂课大家就要回家了. 我们就各自对大家说新年快乐,当时这个问题就浮现在我的脑海里了.我就在想我们就只还有一次机会有这样子的一个情景,以后可能就成为回忆了.过了这几天我也想通了,我们都会成长的大家都有自己要去追寻的梦,在那个时候就让这些回忆来填满我们各自心中的空洞吧!最后我也希望housemate和classmate们,我们每一年的新年或者在一年内的某一天我们可以出来聚一聚就想过几天我要去参加的聚会,他们都是我中学的朋友.我觉得中学和大学的朋友都是最真的没有任何的虚假.社会的朋友叫朋友吗?这就有待我去接触了.
回家是最爽的,可以跟家人聚在一起.在还没有去外地读书时,就基本上没有想家这回事的.可是过后就真的有想家,现在我有机会回来大山脚.我都会陪家人去shopping,就想尽可能把我在大山脚的时间都给他们.就像昨天我才陪我老妈去吃BR,她很喜欢吃雪糕.而且,回来这里真的是要吃什么就有什么吃,在家里有好料的鱼吃在kl连kam bong hu都不懂有得吃吗?回家真好


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

stupid, fucking Tarxxk

This blog will a bit rude, yesterday after school i help to prepare the talk on the subprime mortgage crisis, i am the so called logistic manager so i help to carry the chair, desk and other things that we need to use. After 2 hours, i manage to carry all this stuff and start our arrangement on the stage. Now is the time this son of the bitch come, when he come he act as like he is the chairman of this event, he order me to do this do that. ok la fine i do it for you but one of my friend tell him he already do many things and then he said i already call him to find some helper to help him is not my fault. 
so now hey fucker if the committee member also didnt wish to help me. how can i find some helper to help me what if people ask where are your committee member, so you want me to said my committee member is useless or you wish me to said my committee member got one fellow who tell me he have many things to do that day which is yesterday end up keep on calling people do works and you are so called busy on your work on the stupid MC job? I hear you been a chairman for an event before, and what i can tell you is the one who vote you as a chairman is completely an idiot or maybe he or she is smart enough to know you have the potential to point here and there.
Hey you, next time please be man a bit la please dont act like ah gua la. A woman can climb up the thing as high as from G floor until M floor and we ask you to help you said you scare, dont know how to tie up the thing or you have things to discuss we your partner with your stupid MC job. oi go and cut off your gugu la you are not eligible to be a man anymore la. ah gua 
fucker you are the first one who crossing the line, i mean you are the first one who successfully make me fed up (no one have ever done that before) and dont want to attend the talk today. Ah gua next time please respect people a bit la we are same as committee member how you treat us, think yourself la. 

Sunday, January 18, 2009


昨天,我就参加了一个seminar,关于股票之类的东西的。总之是一些我不大有兴趣的东西啦!!!写到这里大家应该会觉得我神经的,去参加一个自己不喜欢的东西。其实我想跟你们说,我就是这个seminar里面的其中一个筹委. 我这个筹委,做了也有一点心虚啦,我觉得我做得很不称职就基本上除了昨天去那边弄一弄电脑的东西,搬食物和去estate department弄一些技术上的东西就什么都没有弄了。我真得很想弄其他的东西的例如尽量的promo我们的seminar的东西,可是当时我真的一点头绪都没有很抱歉。而且我们的seminar我觉得真的是很成功,除了一些食物上的问题。
上个星期除了做这个seminar的筹委,我还到我学校的Blood donation drive那边帮忙,其实也不是志愿的啦(被朋友拖去的).一开始本来不想捐血的,不过我个人就觉得如果自己都不愿意做的事情,要怎样说服别人去做呢?所以我就做了这个有一点不可思议的举动,然后就心安理得的呼吁大家来捐血.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


昨天才拿到成绩,成绩还不错,算满意啦! 下一个学期就是第二年的最后一个学期了,过后就是最后一年,然后就毕业了. 在一年半前,我就一意孤行的决定了要读私立大学,其实我的家人也蛮支持我的,而且我也从来没有后悔过. 我会做这样的决定是因为我个人觉得私人大学提供了选科的自由,你基本上有90%以上的机会,会得到你要的科系.所以,我也认同大多数人所说的只要有钱就可以读了.他们在招生上基本上都不像国立大学这样有一些标准.
我也有一个朋友跟我说私立大学的文凭根本就是用钱买的.这种言论就是让我有一点接受不了,所以今天我会写这篇blog.我不否认私立大学招生有一点随便,可是能不能生存下去真的是一个问题.我已经读了差不多要两年了, 我发现到他们是很现实的,如果读不下去(成绩不好)那你就滚蛋吧!不然你就从修.而且我也看到了很多这样的例子.所以我要跟这位朋友说进私立大学是很容易,要毕业才是一个问题.而且我们的文凭也不是用钱就可以买到的,文凭也是我们努力求存的结果.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

the most unsatisfied thing in 2008

ok, i having a happy 2008 although there is a 308 incident, economic recession, oil price crisis and terrorist attack/natural disaster. actually i should feel happy with the 308 incident because i think it is a good phenomenon, if management stay too long in the position, they will not figure out any good idea to make change and it is the good thing for the new management to take the challenge and we have to wait and see what can they do. Lim Guan Eng i support you. Oil Price is not directly affect me because i seldom drive during uni life, but its indirectly affect me because it cause inflation in the economic and now oil price decrease until less than USD50, but the price of other commodity still at the higher price. Terrorist attack and natural disaster also is none of my business but i pay my respect for those who sacrifice in the attack and the disaster. Lastly economic recession,  this phenomenon is normal for me because i believe for every worst environment there must be a hero came out with something to save the environment, ex: the great depression during 1929, the hero is John Maynard Keynes came out with is theory to save the world. Loss control already => out of topic already              0 marks
ok, the thing i am not satisfied at year 2008 is my year 2 semester 1 result. too bad to let you all know but my CGPA is 2.9. At the beginning, my aim is to graduate from university and find a job and working until retired. But slowly when i study until year 2 sem 2, the lecturer tell me if you did not graduate with CGPA 3.0 no one will call you for interview. So now i start to worried what if i can graduate but i cant even find a RM 1800 job because if the boss give me RM 1800 i am sure i will start working. Beside that i also plan to further study (if i have the chance) until Doctor and i know to study until this standard i will face many problem ex: financial problem, where to study and of course whether my result allow me to further study. the first 2 problem maybe is out of my control but i can control the result and it is work hard on it.
Lastly, Happy New Year to all my friends, have a great 2009.