Wednesday, September 15, 2010

终于要被hire了,end of the miserable life

半小时前接到一通DHL打来的电话,她说: we want to hire you, ok? but we cant give you so high, we only can give you 1650, after 3 months will increase depends on your performance. 在还没有完全醒的状况下,接到这通电话. 那个时候没有想太多,什么lan都答应开始的三个月要很努力,要加薪水不然就会是廉价劳工。那个manager打来过后的一小时就是outsourcing company打来的电话,叫我赶快去做medical check up最好还是今天去, 拜三要去dhl报到了。结果就去槟城洒一泡尿又再回来大山脚,而且来回差不多要一个小时半。如果没有什么意外下个星期三就要去上班了,过社会人士的生活。


jia-bao said...

being hired does not means that is the end of your miserable might just the beginning of your miserable life...anyway...congrats that you are hired!!!

Chi-Hao said...

Thank You
I has to admit that I will not necessary have a happy working life but I am tired of having a "do nothing life"haha