Monday, December 1, 2008


Just now, ah toh call me and ask me to see the moon. It take me for a few minute to realize that we are sharing the same sky, which mean i can see the same moon as he can see. I go out and see but i can see nothing because my house there is just going through a rainy day, i think i can know whether the moon is blow up (ah toh said the moon going to blow up) or not only by tomorrow. From this small case, i realize that nature is very fair to most of us, as we are sharing the same moon and sun. We share the same moon and night and we share the same sun during the day. If after graduate which will happen 2 years from now (didnt fail any subject) and i already go through 3 graduation, I will feel more closer to my friend cause we are sharing the same moon, sun and we are living at the same ball which is earth. Why i need this kind of thing to persuade me??? the answer is... i miss them a lot la haha. Ya!!! I miss u all a lots:- friends at bm (we just meet yesterday) and friends at Utar (although for a few days didnt meet nia).

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